7 Mistakes People Make During A Vehicle Test Drive

7 Mistakes People Make During a Vehicle Test Drive

There's nothing quite like the excitement of test driving a new car. The feel of the car's wheel in your hands, the wind in your hair, and the purr of the engine all make for a thrilling experience. But before you hit the open roadway, you should keep a few things in mind.


Here are some mistakes listed by Iron City Ford people often make during a car test drive. Read on to learn more!


Mistakes People Make During a Test Drive

Not Adjusting the Seats and Mirrors

One of the most significant things to do before driving is to adjust the seats and mirrors. You should be in a comfy position with a clear view of the road ahead. Don't forget to adjust the side mirrors so you can see behind you!


Not Checking the Tire Pressure

Before you take off, make sure to check the tire pressure. This is important for both safety and fuel efficiency. You can find the advised tire pressure for your car in the owner's manual or on a sticker inside the driver's door.


Going Too Fast

When you're test-driving a car, it's tempting to put the pedal to the metal and see what it can really do. But resist the urge! Speeding is dangerous, and you don't want to give the salesperson the impression that you're an irresponsible driver.


Not Checking the Blind Spots

When you're driving, it's important to always check your blind spots. This is especially true when you're test-driving a new car. Take a few minutes to adjust to the new car's blind spots before hitting the road.


Not Paying Attention to the Details

When test-driving a car, it's important to pay attention to the little things. How does the automobile feel when you turn on the AC or heat? Does the radio work? Are the seats comfortable? These are all important details that can help you decide whether or not a car is right for you.


Not Asking Questions

Don't be fearful to ask the salesperson if you're unsure about something. They're there to answer your questions and help you make a decision. If you're still undecided after the test drive, ask if you can take the car for another spin or if you can have a friend or family member come along for a second opinion.


Not Testing the Car on Different Roads

Even if you're happy with the car on the highway, make sure to take it for a spin on some city streets or back roads. You want to see how the automobile performs in different driving conditions. Is it still comfortable? Does it have enough power? These are all important facets to consider before making a purchase.


Iron City Ford, serving Irondale, AL, is your one-stop shop for all things Ford. We have a garage full of new and used cars, trucks, and SUVs for you to choose from. Our team of experts is here to help you find the perfect vehicle for your needs.


Schedule a test drive today!