6 Simple Ways To Boost Gas Mileage In Urban Traffic

6 Simple Ways To Boost Gas Mileage In Urban Traffic

If you're like most folks, you spend a good amount of time in traffic. In fact, according to recent reports, the average American spends more than 50 hours per year stuck in gridlock. For Ford owners, that's a lot of time and money wasted. But don't worry - Iron City Ford has got some easy tips to help you improve your gas mileage and save some cash while you're at it.


Even if you don't own a Ford vehicle, our tips can still help you save on gas. So, whether you're stuck in LA traffic or slogging through the streets of NYC, read on for some helpful advice that can make your commute a little bit easier.


Pro Tips for Improving Your Gas Mileage

Avoid Idling

If you're stuck in traffic, it can be tempting to sit there and wait it out. But did you know that idling for just two minutes can waste more gas than restarting your engine? So, next time you're caught in a jam, try turning your engine off and on again every few minutes to save on gas. You might not think it makes a big difference, but those savings will add up over time. 

Use the A/C Sparingly

We all love cranking up the air-con on a hot day, but did you know that doing so can decrease your gas mileage by 8 percent? If you want to improve your gas mileage, try opening your windows and using the fresh air setting on your A/C instead. You'll still stay cool and save gas at the same time.


Keep Your Tires Inflated

If your ride's tires are low on air, it can negatively affect your gas mileage. That's because underinflated tires create more resistance, which means your engine has to work harder to move the car forward. To avoid this, check the tire pressure on a regular basis and inflate them to the recommended level. This simple step can improve your gas mileage by up to 4 percent.


Drive the Speed Limit

We all know how alluring it is to go above the speed limit, especially when we're in a hurry. But did you know that driving just 5 mph over the speed limit can reduce your gas mileage by up to 7 percent? So, the next time you're behind the wheel, keep an eye on the speedometer and stick to the posted limit.


Use Cruise Control

When driving on the highway, one of the easiest ways to improve your gas mileage is to put your car on cruise control. This helpful feature maintains a consistent speed, which can help you avoid wasting gas by accelerating and braking too often.


Get Rid of Excessive Weight

You may not realize it, but carrying around the extra weight in your car can hurt your gas mileage. In fact, for every 100 pounds of extra weight, your gas mileage will drop by about 2 percent. So, if you're lugging around many unnecessary items in your trunk, now is the time to clear them out.


Iron City Ford serving Vestavia Hills, AL, can help you eke out every last mile per gallon with our professional car maintenance service. We'll check your car's engine, brakes, fluids, and more to ensure that it's running as efficiently as possible.


Contact us today or schedule a tune-up!